Time Management: How to Stop Overwhelm

It is essential to be good at time management if you’re going to do well in account management, not just because you need to be able to manage your time effectively in order to be able to deliver what you need to on time but also for your own sanity.
If you don’t manage your time well when working in account management it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of things you have to do.
There are various of tools that can be used to help us better manage our time from Covey’s Time Management Matrix to batching of activities such as checking email (more on these in another post coming soon) however before implementing any of the more complex systems to manage time, the first thing to do, to instantly help reduce feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do, is to start asking;
“When do you need it by?”
And ask it of everyone. Your clients, your boss, your colleagues. EVERYONE.
This question needs to be asked anytime someone makes a request of you to deliver something because without asking that question it’s all too easy to find yourself with a thousand things to do all of which you assume must be urgent. But some of them might not be.
Just because a client has asked for something doesn’t necessarily mean they need it that same day or even that week. They could be asking now just to give you as much time as possible to complete the task in hand or because if they don’t ask now they’ve thought of it they might forget later.
If you don’t ask when it’s needed by you could be putting huge amounts of unnecessary pressure on yourself.
You’ll be amazed once you start asking it how many things you would have assumed are urgent actually aren’t and how much better you’re then able to manage your time.
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This content was originally published here.
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