5 ways to improve your time management skills at work

Time management skills are very important to have and are in high demand. After all, saving your company time will save them money and boost revenue. Employees who are able to properly manage their time are more efficient, productive and more likely to reach department objectives and deadlines.
Here are 5 ways to improve your time management skills at work
You must create a schedule

[Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels]
As a busy professional, your days can fluctuate from super busy to easy flowing. It is the norm to find yourself in meeting after meeting or constantly getting interrupted. All of this can throw you off and you can wind up not meeting your work goals.
The easiest way to help combat this is to create a schedule for yourself.
If you’re not sure where to start, take a week or two to track what you do in a given day. This will help you spot patterns as well as recurring tasks that you can then incorporate into your schedule. You then want to add in specific tasks that need to be done for whatever you may be working on.
Another way of creating a schedule is to plot your tasks according to your level of productivity at any given time. Perhaps you are a morning person and do your best thinking in the AM. This could be the ideal time for tackling your high-priority tasks. You can then leave the afternoon for more routine tasks like emails, follow up calls, meetings etc.
Know how to delegate tasks
The ability to properly delegate tasks to others is a key way to improve your time management while boosting productivity. It will help you make the most use of your time allowing you to focus on the key skills and experience you bring to your position.
You want to look at your current task load and see which tasks are taking up a lot of time but not really adding value to your company. Not to mention tasks that can just be better handled by someone more capable. In order for task delegation to be successful, you want to provide your employee with a clear set of instructions as well as an expected time frame for completion.
Use a task management tool
Using a task management tool or to-do list can do wonders for improving your time management skills and productivity. You can focus on the task at hand without wondering whether you are forgetting to do something. You also want to take the time to prioritize your work load. This is increasingly important if you are working with multiple people on a task.
Use a personal CRM tool

[Photo by bruce mars from Pexels]
Tasks are not the only aspect of your day to manage properly. Your business relationships also need tending to. Going through your days wondering what you last spoke about with “John” or when you were supposed to contact “Steve” is a drain on your time and productivity. This is where a personal crm tool will go a long way in helping you build stronger and better business relationships. A personal crm tool will not only organize your contacts by specifics but also log details about your conversations, set up reminders for follow up calls and more. Just think how much brain space you can free up with this type of tool.
Review your day
At the end of each day, spend 5-10 minutes going over your to do list for that day. If you didn’t get to everything, add it to the next day’s list. If you feel you could have been more productive, see what you could do differently tomorrow.
The post 5 ways to improve your time management skills at work appeared first on Stop Animal ID.
This content was originally published here.
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